How One Acre Fund's loans and direct payments programme helps smallholders transition to sustainable soil management

tanzania, MAlawi
Land status
privately-owned and managed


One Acre Fund's agroforestry projects are piloting direct carbon revenue payments to smallholders to offset labour and opportunity costs to facilitate the move to sustainable soil management practices.

Developer website
One Acre Fund →
Benefit-sharing structure
Verra VM0047 census-based methodology (planned, not yet validated)

Key metrics

carbon revenue per farmer
impact per farmer across soil fertility + yield + fertiliser savings + fuelwood savings + sales of NTFP


Compensation structure

Year 0 - In-kind: seedlings subsidised on credit

Year 1-3 - Cash: survival payment per surviving seedling, paid on 6- or 12-month terms, based on farmer feedback

Year 4-20 - carbon payments

Distribution mechanism

Fixed and pre-communicated seedling package price, and repayable over ~8-10 months on credit

Fixed and pre-communicated survival amount

Communities impacted

Targeting 100% smallholders

Aug-24: Malawi: c.600 farmers; Tanzania: c.1,500 farmers

2030: Malawi: 34,000 farmers; Tanzania: 35,000 farmers

Key challenges

Quality of transaction receipts for cash and non-cash payments

Ensuring that carbon payment calculations are transparent and well-understood by clients

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